12 Unusual Names That Mean Empty (2024)

When you’re choosing a name for your baby, you might want to pick something that works with the meaning of your surname. While “empty” might initially seem like something negative, really, it can work with a number of surnames and middle names to write a sort of phrase of meaning. You can also choose a name meaning “empty” as a way of giving your child a blank slate, letting them forge their own identity as they grow and learn.

From the Latin, the boys’ name Cassian and the feminine form, Cassia means “empty” or “hollow.” Both are beautiful and unique names for your child. There are many other spellings and forms of this name(such as Kassius and Cassya), so you can choose whichever one you fancy the most.

Curiously enough, Empty has been recorded as a girl’s name in English, though it’s very uncommon and might be a little too on the nose. Zero has been used as a boy’s name in Arabic, carrying that same meaning of “empty,” and is the basis of our number zero as well.

The Chinese boys’ name Wukong translates to “waking to emptiness.” It combines two Chinese characters, 悟 (wu), meaning “enlightenment” or “awakening” and 空 (kong), meaning “empty” or “hollow.” Though, this may be a little pessimistic. The character for kong can be combined with other Chinese characters to create your own unique name.


Meaning: Empty
Origin: Latin
Gender: Girl


Meaning: His vanity made him empty
Origin: English
Gender: Boy


Meaning: An empty shell of an animal
Origin: Spanish
Gender: Girl


Meaning: An empty space in a hill
Origin: Irish
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Hunger
Origin: Scottish
Gender: Girl


Meaning: Empty location
Origin: Spanish
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Not empty, always to the top
Origin: Norse
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Who is empty or exhausted
Origin: Biblical
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Empty place
Origin: Gaelic, Irish
Gender: Unisex


Meaning: An empty and vain person
Origin: Roman
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Empty
Origin: Chinese
Gender: Boy


Meaning: Empty
Origin: English
Gender: Boy

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