19 Mayan Girl Names That Honor History (2024)

The Mayans were one of the oldest civilizations in the pre-Columbian Americans. They were also one of the most advanced cultures, having developed their own writing system and working with art, architecture, and mathematics. They reached their peak in the 6th century and eventually fell as a civilization in the late 9th century.

Many Mayan names are affected by the time they were born, and often hold allusions to Mayan myths, astronomy, and art. The baby is brought to the community leader to be named, and the leader consults the calendar to find a good name. The date can be referenced in their specific names, and some names even hold an ideal profession for the child.

Names can reference goddesses in traditional Mayan folklore. For example, there’s Itzel which references the “rainbow goddess,” the mythical figure in charge of medicine. Akna is also a popular name and references the goddess of fertility and childbirth.

Several Mayan names make references to nature and its natural beauty. Colel means “goddess of bees,” an animal important to Mayan culture. There’s also Sacniete, which is a traditional name that means “white flower,” something that’s admired for its beauty and purity. Dacey means “adored” and can work as a unisex name. It’s suitable for a child born to be loved by others.

Choosing a Mayan name can be a good way to help your child acknowledge their heritage and shows your interest in Mayan traditions. Their bold, unique name will also allow them to stand out from others!


Meaning: Goddess of fertility and childbirth
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: God of rain
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Mother of the giants
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Goddess of bees
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Good
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Adored
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Blood
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Dance
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Rainbow goddess
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Dawn
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Medicine
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: White flower
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Grandmother of the day and night
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Principal wife of Shield Jaguar
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Goddess of matchmaking in Mayan mythology
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Heart
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Mother of Pacal
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Lord frowns in anger.
Origin: Mayan


Meaning: Forever
Origin: Mayan

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